On this very rainy and cold day, Steve, Marc and Lorenza worked like busy beavers to complete the lab set up and get multi-net ready. We had a lab meeting to discuss mooring, CTD and biological sampling operations and introduce ourselves. Tommorrow we will finish getting ready, go through boat familiarizations and drills and great the few remaing staff that are still to arrive.
I spent most of my day glued to a computer putting our planned cordinates into a GIS, revising station names, getting nominal station locations and extracting depths for each location.
It looks like the inclement weather will continue and will force a change in plans that will see us launch into 24 hr/day CTD operations before we begin mooring operations that require calmer seas.
We check out of the hotel tommorrow and spend our first night on the ship. Almost ready to go!!!
Seriously, it's raining! |
Marc's filtration system set up for Chlorophyl, HPLC, etc... |
The Winkler Oxygen Titration System |
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