Latitude:65 58.183 N
Longitude:55 03.784 W
Conditions: Ughhh!
In another 70 miles (or ~10 hrs) the ship will begin mooring operations at WG_04. Upon completion, the intent is to sail towards Disko Bay and complete select stations at the DKM and/or DKOT stations before proceeding to the eastern most end of the NL line. Much of this plan is largely contingent on the sea/ice state. Disko Bay is home to an armada of ice bergs, a Dr. Seuss like wonderland of sea and ice. The Captain, in consultation with the Chief Scientist, will decide on whether stations can be occupied given the constraints.
Last evening we began switching over to our regular shifts. I made it to 3 am before my eyes betrayed me and I fell to sleep watching Avatar on a rolling ship (pretty trippy). I will be working 6 pm until 6 am throughout the majority of the mission. Despite this, I'll try my best to provide you with day time images of our operations and the places we visit.
Steve, Lorenza and I will review chemistry sampling protocols this morning before I head back to the rack and get some z's. That's all for now.
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